Bisericii live Romania

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Bisericii live Romania Reviewed by administrator on 19:07 Rating: 5

Un comentariu:

  1. Ioana is a 23 month old little girl, but developementally she is like a 3-4 month old baby. She started having epileptic seisures when she was only 3 days old, and these seisures caused brain damage. Now there are 15-30 seisures daily.

    She does phisiotherapy for a paresis on the right side, and her movements are slow and difficult, especially on the right side; she can also make babbling sounds..., she can say da-da. But she desperately needs surgery.

    She was accepted for surgery in France, she needs to be there on the 21st of November, and the surgery is scheduled on the 27th of November. She needs 60000 euros for the surgery- let's help Ioana have a normal life!

    pt cei care doresc sa o ajute pe ioana conturile sunt urmatoarele: in Euro:RO37RNCB0532030657960003 iar in Lire:RO10RNCB0532030657960004 VA MULTUMIM DIN INIMA SI DORIN CA DUMNEZEU SA VA RASPLATEASCA TOT CEEA CE FACETI PT IOANA, VA RUGAM DE ASEMENEA SA NE SUSTINETI IN RUGACIUNE!!!See More

    Ioana are nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastra!!!


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